The world is being FUC’d to death

“As the dollar burns….”

Contemplating, as I often do, the Keynesian machinations of the Federal Reserve and central banksters worldwide, I observe that one thing they all have in common is the practice of printing up snotbags full of whimsical currency units, euphemistically called the “dollar”, “pound”, “franc”, “euro”, “rupee”, “yuan”, “yen”, “ruble”, “krone”, “kuna”, etc etc. These currency units are backed by nothing other than “the good faith and credit” of the issuing nation. If I knew nothing of monetary history or finance, that alone would be cause for concern, at the very least.

There’s a word for such unbacked currency: “fiat” — which means each and every currency unit loaned into existence is deemed worth something simply because the issuing nation declares it is so… typically forbidding in the process anything else being used as legal tender in trade.

Banksters do all this genning up of currency units, of course, at the behest of the corpora-government’s they own and control like so many puppets. As the banksters print up (either physically or electronically) all these currency units in ever increasing quantities, with no correlation to the actual productivity of the nation itself, the receivers of the new currency (the major banks and corporations) benefit greatly as they get to spend the money into the economy, with each currency unit having the purchasing power of the previous money supply.

But as the freshly-minted currency eventually makes it’s way into the people’s hands, the effects of this inflation (properly defined as an increase in money supply, but commonly misinterpreted to mean rising prices, which are a result of monetary inflation), it causes a debasement of the currency, and if left unchecked will ultimately destroy its purchasing power.

Like adding water to a nourishing soup so you have more of it, if you add too much water the soup is diluted, reduced to a tasteless, lifeless, worthless conniption which can nourish no one, and ultimately the soup will be rendered unfit for human consumption.

This is a direct attack on the economic lifeblood of the people by the elite who own and control the central banks!

So it occurred to me that the most accurate and universal name for all these various and sundry global denominations would be Fiat Units of Currency… or FUC for short.

So when you hear that the Fed has engaged in another round of “quantitative easing (QE)” for “the sake of the economy”, take a moment and realize that you’re being FUC’d… you and every family member, friend or acquaintance you know. And as this QE debases the currency of the nation, every other country is being FUC’d in the exchange rates of their currencies.

And as these various central banksters FUC each other, they can buy people (both corporeal – as in, flesh and blood humans — and the newer, legalized corporate models), as well as natural resources, commodities, and all other items of actual intrinsic value with more and more worthless pieces of paper and electronic blips on a computer screen.

This is how the oligarchs siphon the wealth of the world up into their greedy paws and maws, how they FUC the world and excrete the human beings they pillage and bamboozle like so much waste to be carted away and discarded. This is how trade wars begin, how currency wars are fought, and how the tragedies of world war become almost inevitable.

Every single stage of this recurring process benefits the banksters and the corporations they control. No matter what happens or how the wheel of human events turns, the elite thrive and prosper… and the people, more and more thoroughly FUC’d, pay for it all with their wealth, their labor, their trade options, their dreams and aspirations, and ultimately with their very lives and liberties.

All this makes me wonder if former independent presidential candidate Ross Perot, when he referred to “a giant sucking sound” with regards globalization, actually meant “a giant FUCing sound”. And when we refer to our currency as “bucks”… well, you get the idea.

Quite a racket these soulless reptiles have created for themselves, no? For an in-depth look at the giant FUCing machine itself, you might want to watch this video (90 minutes):




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About the author has been the brainchild of guitarist Jeff Foster since the turn of the millennium. [EMAIL Foster]. -- If you would like to help support the site, consider making a much-appreciated donation via PayPal.
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