The Death of the Petro-dollar, and what it means for all Americans| BardsFM

In the giant kabuki theatre that is the US government these days, the entire purpose of the incessant news-cycle propaganda we must endure (or ignore, if we’re smart) is to divert our attention — much as a master magician makes us focus on one hand so that we miss what the other hand is doing.

There are, of course, many convergent crises currently vying for our limited attention span. While this utterly corrupt government and its echo chambers in the lame-stream media would have us deeply concerned about the implosion of California, the latest lab-generated virus warning, the nonsense spewing forth from the queer-cult, the anti-human climate change hoax or, most recently, the baseless indictment of President Trump, what they all desperately want you to miss is perhaps the greatest threat to our standard of living — Operation Sandman, which is Saudi Arabia turning its back on the 1944 Bretton Woods agreement establishing the US Federal Reserve Note as the world’s reserve currency.

Without going into the entire backstory of the Creature From Jekyll Island (the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve), or the confiscation and revaluation of gold in 1934, or Nixon closing the gold window in 1971, and the grotesquely irresponsible inflating of our currency supply ever since (do your research), let us hear about the death of the petro-dollar and what it means from one of today’s best analysts of world affairs from a Biblical perspective, Mr. Scott Kesterson of BardsFM.

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About the author has been the brainchild of guitarist Jeff Foster since the turn of the millennium. [EMAIL Foster]. -- If you would like to help support the site, consider making a much-appreciated donation via PayPal.