No bad losers here

So, according to Occupy Dems, we’ve one of two choices — either get all “terrified” by the upcoming Trump presidency, or shrug it off and be deemed a “fool”?
Gee, I can think of several other options without breaking a sweat. This is just the sort of myopic, ad hominem, hyperbolic horseshit that’s making the Dem’s jackass mascot seem all the more apropos.
This meme is a self-evident contradiction: it *takes* a bad loser to resort to such a pathetic argument. And what is euphemistically called a “revolt” is more like a tantrum by a spoiled child who did not get what they wanted for Christmas (though I’m sure that’s not the intent). The language follows in lockstep the Clinton playbook of summarily dismissing and insulting the opposition (“basket of deplorables”), and will only serve to deepen the chasm between the rebuffed uber-liberals and the middle Americans who put conservatives back in the driver’s seat.
Dems would do well to compose themselves and start dealing with the fact that they nominated and supported (for all the wrong reasons) a weak, morally flawed and demonstrably corrupt candidate (associated with an equally corrupt, election-rigging DNC; too bad for Bernie)… a candidate so atrocious that even a Donald Trump could defeat her, for godsake! Not their most brilliant decision.
Liberals can call the rest of the country idiots and fools, and threaten retaliation all they like… NEWSFLASH: once the rioting, vandalism and death threats go on discount, conservatives could give a shit about liberal angst, and find it all kinda entertaining, actually. One would think that some sort of partisan pride and a semblance of self-control and self-examination would activate to tone down the juvenile outbursts, but we’re seeing little evidence of that in liberal meme-land.
In any event, all this hand-wringing does not change the fact that the country voted out the Obama/Clinton progressivist agenda because it was found wanting. If the left wants to be taken seriously in the future (one can only presume that it does), they’re gonna have to start demonstrating *why* — all things considered — progressivist policies are actually desirable… if they can. Epic fail so far.
I personally hope the lefties learn something from this election — reexamine, reform and restate their positions — and field a much better candidate next time. The Dems desperately need a new JFK… but their bench apparently just ain’t that deep.
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