Newsnight’s Jeremy Paxman talks to Russell Brand about voting, revolution and beards.
via NEWSNIGHT: Paxman vs Brand – full interview – YouTube.
I agree with about 95% of this. Russel Brand’s criticisms of the political process is spot-on, though I’m not at all in favor of socialist solutions, as they historically never pan out, and given the psychology of humans as I understand it, never will. I suppose if I were to try to describe my thinking on these matters, I would call it spiritual capitalism. Hmmm… never heard that term bandied about… perhaps I’ve just coined a phrase! I’ll let you know when the royalty checks start rolling in, right.
But I must say I love Russel Brand. He’s brilliant, erudite and quick-witted in the extreme. An enormous talent with an enormous heart for humanity. Moving the dialog along is what he’s about, and we need all of it we can get.