How Does A PLEK Machine Work? || Righteous Guitars PLEK Demo – YouTube

This one is purely for guitar players… or techie tool geeks, I suppose. I first learned of this machine with this video, had no idea it existed until today.

The PLEK Machine is essentially a CRC machine for dressing the frets on a guitar for absolute optimum action.

I’ve done a lot of fret jobs over the years, and it’s definitely a fine art requiring a steady hand and a good eye… you *have* to know what to look for to properly file, shape and polish the frets of any stringed instrument, and to do so without removing more metal than you want is tricky. After seeing the PLEK do its thing, I seriously doubt that *any* human instrument technician could match the results.

The PLEK Machine is an amazing tool that when used properly can give you great results for your guitar’s setup. But how does it work?

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About the author has been the brainchild of guitarist Jeff Foster since the turn of the millennium. [EMAIL Foster]. -- If you would like to help support the site, consider making a much-appreciated donation via PayPal.
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