Elliot Rodger’s Retribution (Alleged Killers Video Threat) – YouTube

Spoiled brat and alleged murderer, Eliot Rodger
Spoiled brat and alleged murderer, Eliot Rodger

I haven’t really been following this Santa Barbara slaying, as I suspected from the beginning that it would probably be yet another crazed move by an insane kid of some kind, and I find all that rather predictable and boring anymore. When I saw this video, however, I realized that I’d grossly underestimated how batshit crazy the spoiled little twit would be! This is apparently the alleged killer’s final video before perping his plan. Scroll down and watch it if you have the stomach for it, otherwise click back to a cat pic or something fun… plus, you may not like what I have to say, anyway. Your call.

Now here’s the question I have (and pardon my blunt way of expressing this): Will this tragic and unfortunate incident be used and twisted by the uber-liberal anti-gun crowd into forcing their unconstitutional agenda on the entire citizenry? Come on, you know who you are, and you know you want to do precisely that.

Or will we view it for what, in my opinion, it really is: proof positive that the media-fueled moral degradation of America is well-nigh complete; that there are now born and bred psychopaths roaming the streets with stolen firearms, themselves the progeny of detached, uninvolved, psychologically retarded, self-centered little asshole “parental figures” (they cannot be described as parents as I understand the term), who have coddled and spoiled their perfect little babies to the point where they become pathetic, unctuous, anti-human creatures, plagued with chronic emotional immaturity and a supremely well-developed sense of entitlement, who truly believe they are “gods”, entitled to spew “retribution” upon a society which they feel has “victimized” them (you know, because in this case he’s such a media-drenched, self-centered, deluded little prick that he can’t get laid)?

I guess that’s a pretty long-winded question, but this sort of thing pisses me off to the point where it’s hard to find the period. This little spoiled shit needed a boot up his ass many times growing up, and it’s safe to say he never got it. He needed some training in morality, but his pathetic mommy and daddy were too busy buying him toys, gadgets, devices and pacifiers of various sizes and forms. If anyone’s truly to blame for what happened in SB, it’s his parents, yet they are immune from prosecution.

If you want to see what created this monster, look in the mirror and ask yourself a few questions. Do you watch the celebrations of stupidity commonly spewed out at us on TV, or even worse, allow your children to watch it? Do you watch mainstream news and believe the lies they tell? Do you believe the politicians? The corporations? Do you buy their products, thus supporting them and the societal manipulations your support buys? Do you chase the almighty dollar to the point where the TV is raising your children? Do you neglect imposing some loving discipline on your kids when they need a firm hand, or are you more interested in being their BFF? If the answer to any or all of these questions is yes, then you’re part of the problem.

Don’t for a minute try to convince me that this Santa Barbara circus is an excuse to clamp down on the right of good law-abiding Americans to own and bear arms. It is instead a damn good reason to take a long, hard look at this sick society we have allowed to be created for us by people with too much money and too little moral character, and call it what it is: decadent, decayed, broken and dysfunctional… all by design. And most importantly — repudiate and reject, in very practical, meaningful ways, the whole damn thing!

I may sound like a hard-ass libertarian… and I suppose there’s some support for that theory… but I’m not as heartless as the above rant might suggest. My heart goes out to the victims of this senseless slaying. It is tragic, as are all such incidences. I have never known the grief of such loss, and I pray I never do. But I, for one, will continue to put the blame for this sort of thing precisely where it belongs, and it’s not on a chunk of machined metal with a handle on it. That’s simplistic and myopic. The trigger doesn’t pull itself. This screwed up society we live in is pulling the trigger on itself, time after time after time. We don’t need weapons to destroy our world. We need only to continue down this complacent, ungrounded and evil path we’re on a little longer, and the deed will be done.

Elliot Rodger’s Retribution (Alleged Killers Video Threat) – YouTube.

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StringDancer.com has been the brainchild of guitarist Jeff Foster since the turn of the millennium. [EMAIL Foster]. -- If you would like to help support the site, consider making a much-appreciated donation via PayPal.
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