Cottage Cheese… really

In my recently acquired desire to post something unrelated to politics, Federal Reserve bashing, neo-lib ridicule, industrial-strength approaches to snowflake removal and the like, I present:
One of the various and sundry ex-wives once referred to cottage cheese as “bleached baby puke”. Decidedly more enlightened yet still wrong vegans will derisively speak of it with words including “cow pus” and other similarly objectionable language.
In actuality, cottage cheese is a fresh cheese curd product with a mild flavor. It is drained, but not pressed, so some whey remains and the individual curds remain loose. The curd is usually washed to remove acidity, giving sweet curd cheese. It is not aged or colored. Different styles of cottage cheese are made from milks with different fat levels and in small-curd or large-curd preparations. Cottage cheese which is pressed becomes hoop cheese, farmer cheese, pot cheese, or queso blanco.
Cottage cheese contains all the essential amino acids needed for it to qualify as a complete protein. One cup of creamed cottage cheese has 23 grams of protein, which is 41 percent of the recommended daily intake for men and 50 percent for women.
The only natural sources of vitamin B-12 are animal-based foods. Even though milk is lower in vitamin B-12 than fish, meat and poultry, 1 cup of cottage cheese still delivers 38 percent of the recommended daily intake. Vitamin B-12 removes an amino acid, homocysteine, from the blood stream. Homocysteine is a natural byproduct of other processes in the body, but it only fills a beneficial role when vitamin B-12 converts it into healthy substances. If homocysteine is allowed to remain in the blood, it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Some enzymes depend on the presence of vitamin B-12 to do their jobs producing energy and creating red blood cells.
Ninety-nine percent of the calcium in your body exists in the bones, but the other 1 percent fills such vital roles that a specific amount must be maintained in the blood. If blood levels drop, the mineral is taken from your bones. Calcium is needed for muscle contractions, including muscles in the heart, and normal nerve functioning. It’s also essential for the process of blood clotting. You’ll gain 18 percent of the recommended daily intake of calcium from 1 cup of cottage cheese.
Phosphorus combines with calcium to become the primary mineral used for building bones, but like calcium, it fills other functions. Many chemical reactions in the body rely on phosphate, which is a form of phosphorus. These reactions are responsible for energy creation and maintaining a normal acid-base environment within the body. Some enzymes and hormones aren’t activated unless phosphate is available. One cup of cottage cheese has 48 percent of the recommended daily intake of phosphorus.
This will be my last post of the day. I’m going now to fetch my grandson, cruise up to Indy and spend the day watching and hearing monster trucks destroy one another at Monsterjam.
Yes, we have VIP parking (for the old man’s benefit, mostly). Yes, we have pit passes so we can get up close and personal with these marvels of mechanical engineering (for the boy’s benefit, mostly). Yes, we both have ear protection. Yes, we will scream and root for the underdogs. Yes, we will eat nachos, cheese and jalapeños with impunity, and yes, we will have an unapologetic, dude-centric great time.
Enjoy your cottage cheese, and I’ll catch y’all downstream.
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About the author has been the brainchild of guitarist Jeff Foster since the turn of the millennium. [EMAIL Foster]. -- If you would like to help support the site, consider making a much-appreciated donation via PayPal.