Brown County Hour: The Foster Episode

The Brown County Hour crew, 2015: David Seastrom, Pam Raider, Cari Ray, Vera Grubbs, Jeff Foster & Rick Fettig

After 7 years, 52 episodes, a couple of major fundraisers, managing a burgeoning website and more all-night engineering sessions than I can count, as of August 2016 I’ve retired my chair as founding technical producer of the Brown County Hour on WFHB.

An award-winning grassroots radio program made by Brown Countians for Brown Countians, I was present at the very first planning meeting in 2009, assumed the role of technical producer for the very first episode in July of 2010, and until this month was in charge of recording, mixing and mastering the show, plus designing and managing the website,


My BCH teammates graciously devoted Episode 53 to yours truly (stream it above), and I was both jazzed and humbled by their efforts to send me off in style. Besides featuring several of my tunes on-air, they granted me an extended interview, as well as individual essays from Dave Seastrom, Rick Fettig and Cari Ray expressing their thoughts on this watershed moment in the show’s history.

My good friend Chuck Wills, a musician/songwriter/promoter/webmaster… and now producer… has taken over my chores, and I’m confident he will help lead the show forward to even greater heights long after my departure.

Well, I won’t go into Episode 53’s content much… stream it for yourself and get a taste of what a great group of friends I have!  I already miss seeing them on Tuesday nights… will have to come up with an idea for a radio segment I can gen up to keep my hand in the BCH pie, I guess.

At the helm of BCH in our original studio, February 2014
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About the author has been the brainchild of guitarist Jeff Foster since the turn of the millennium. [EMAIL Foster]. -- If you would like to help support the site, consider making a much-appreciated donation via PayPal.
THANK YOU! 🍷😎👍🏼 

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