And now… it’s the beer

So liberals, pretty much defeated vis-à-vis the Kavanaugh conundrum, are of course turning their over-stimulated imaginations to bringing up Kav’s admitted fondness for… beer.

Yes… the man likes his brewskies. And for that, he is clearly unqualified to ascend to the Supreme Court, if you listen to the Dems. They couldn’t nail him on their favorite go-to accusation (sexual predator), so here comes Plan B (or is it C… D… hell, I’ve lost track.

First off, as a fan of the fermented, I take some personal umbrage at the entire line of questioning. But this isn’t about me.

“Does he have his relationship to booze “under control?” asked one deeply concerned liberal friend of mine. Now, most of us have been flaming drunk at some point(s) in our lives, and if by the grace of God avoided getting into legal trouble for it… is that having it under control? No, but neither does his lack of any legal issues relating to drinking raise any flags. Again, the man is being hung out to dry based on pure conjecture, backed by scant (or zero) evidence.

I’ve also seen Kavanaugh dismissed for his purported “erratic and very highly charged behavior yesterday [Confirmation Hearing, Thursday, Sep 27, 2018] much of which was extremely politically biased”… are you kidding me? I will say up-front that Ford may well be convinced her story is true… maybe she actually *was* assaulted, and truly believes Kavanaugh’s the perp, and that would be a terrible thing, no question.  I could still be proved wrong, but I don’t for one minute think her claims — unsupported by *any* corroborating evidence or witness testimony (and surrounded by many troubling questions which I’ll save for a possible future rant) — enjoy the slightest bit of credibility. That said:

I would think that any man of his character and accomplishment, forced to lower himself to this despicable level to respond to such a mountain of salacious slander, all brought on by a single party (the Democrats), would certainly feel that he’s in a defining moment in his life and career, fighting for his good name and reputation. Of course the man was under tremendous personal pressure and experiencing a great deal of anguish, but my liberal friend dismisses that as ‘erratic’. Frankly, I was surprised Kav kept his cool as well as he did, facing down the unscrupulous skullduggery of the desperate Dems. I’d have been pounding the table and using some rather colorful language, myself.

Does anyone reading this really think your nerves are so strong, your detachment so perfect, your calm under pressure so imperturbable, that your performance on the stand in such a setting would be unassailable? Yet you so easily dismiss his performance as erratic and highly-charged?

Here’s another angle: “Can he be fair in his judgements going forward if confirmed?” Good question. If my liberal friend is asking does Kavanaugh have enough professionalism as a judge to *not* hold this freak-show of a confirmation against the Democratic perpetrators for the next 20-30 years, I honestly don’t know. I suspect, once seated and in his groove, he will let bye-gones be bye-gones. His history as an impartial, Constitution-loving judge is quite evident.

But I have to say… this is a potential blow-back scenario the desperate Dems should have considered before they unleashed this shit-storm on the guy. Myself, I tend to hold a grudge, so were I to go through this experience, there would be hell to pay for the Dems once I ascended to the bench. Show me a Democratic law to adjudicate, and I could predict my imaginary vote right now. I will assume Kav’s better at this grudge stuff than I am.

When Christ rampaged through the temple, tipping over the money-changer’s tables and giving them a well-deserved tongue lashing, that was certainly out of character for Him, and perhaps some would claim it was “erratic and highly-charged behavior”… and I’m talking about Jesus here, people, who was, by all accounts, rather impeccable. Judge Kavanaugh, for all his best efforts, falls far short of the Glory, if you catch my drift. He’s an imperfect man in an imperfect world, yet by all the evidence presented thus far, and in all humanly-attainable respects, Kavanaugh remains a damn good man, and a person of considerably higher integrity than the Dems trying to destroy his life. I say he deserves a break if he was a mite righteously pissed off at this sham of a confirmation process.

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