Why I don’t worry all that much

NotAnotherRantIt’s true… I used to be a liberal. And so I have many liberal friends… many of whom apparently feel slighted that I have grown considerably more conservative as I grew older, causing them some degree of consternation that an old hippie guitar player has rejected the Democratic party and neo-liberalism in general.

For the record, I also reject neo-conservatism and the Republican party. I basically reject Statism, if you really want to know.

Nonetheless, I find this election immensely entertaining. As ludicrous as these candidates are, I consider them and this electoral process a reflection of the general state of entropy and dissolution of empire being experienced not only in America, but worldwide.

The globalist/collectivist/progressive/corporate paradigm, I believe, is in its death-throes. From government to finance to education to health to environment to industry to society to even matters of spirit, I see the whole thing unwinding toward a massive reset… as it should.

The extremes of behavior we see in the news are to be expected as everything we have come to consider “normal” is challenged, embattled, defeated and supplanted… replaced by what, we do not yet know. Whether we survive or not is open to debate… whether we *deserve* to survive is similarly questionable.

But I remain a man of faith. I believe in the transcendence of the Spirit, and so the comings and goings of the world, while troubling, are not rendering me all that fearful… at least, not yet. If these are “the end of days” as has been prophesied repeatedly over the millennia, then I can only say that I’m glad to be here to witness it.

I now return you to cats, dogs, protests, foaming at the mouth and other more amusing surfs. Thank you.

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About the author

StringDancer.com has been the brainchild of guitarist Jeff Foster since the turn of the millennium. [EMAIL Foster]. -- If you would like to help support the site, consider making a much-appreciated donation via PayPal.
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