Sufficient unto the day

Sometimes, out of the blue, solutions materialize. Some call it “doing business”, which could be considered accurate. Some call it “dumb luck”, also true from another perspective. I see it as an alignment of desires leading to favorable outcomes for all concerned. Whether serendipitous or simply good old-school free-market principles at work, it’s all the same to me. And the internet made it possible.

cubase-5-arrange-screenshot1This past weekend I received an email from a video producer buddy of mine who was knocking out a 3-minute vid for the Indianapolis Children’s Museum, had a Monday deadline to hit, and needed some last-minute lead guitar (“glue”, as he called it) on the soundtrack. We came to terms, and he emailed me a rough mix of the track. I loaded it up in the ‘puter, dialed up a slightly-driven lead tone in Amplitude, and within an hour had slammed a quick but tasty little Strat noodle. I then exported my track as a WAV file and dropboxed it to my friend. He emailed me shortly thereafter to report having applied the “glue”, which apparently stuck just fine.

rug10x13Now he’s a happy camper, made that deadline, and I genned-up enough money to buy that nifty 10’x13′ Persian-style rug I’ve been eying for our great room. It’ll uplift the room (and hence our life within its walls) a good deal, and make the fact that it’s still very much a construction zone less obvious. An awesome weekend for us both.

I’m reminded of the old saying, “Buddha provides”. Less succinctly put in another tradition: “Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” I interpret the last bit there as meaning: just do what you can to move your life forward, and don’t worry so much. Often we can strive less, simply be aware of our needs and desires, and remain open to the Universe responding as it should. Such has been a recurring theme in the story of my life.

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About the author has been the brainchild of guitarist Jeff Foster since the turn of the millennium. [EMAIL Foster]. -- If you would like to help support the site, consider making a much-appreciated donation via PayPal.
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