Back in 2005, I attended the National Association of Music Merchandisers (NAMM) show at a rare appearance in Indianapolis, taking in all the sights and sounds. Many of my experiences of that show are chronicled here.
While Rhonda and I were roaming the aisles checking out all the fancy new gear coming out, we happened across a guy standing alone in a booth somewhere, demoing some outrageous chicken-pickin’ guitar licks. I glanced at Rhonda with a look that said, “OK, I’m floored”. His named is Johnny Hiland, who was born legally blind, and subsequently began playing guitar at the ripe old age of 2. You read that right… two years old! The habit apparently stuck. Johnny became a true master of the classic chicken-pickin’ country style, which with all the hibrid-fingerstyle fretting gymnastics and steel-inspired bends is a real challenge for any player to get mitts around.
Well, Johnny’s got an Arlen Roth instructional video out which I found posted for free on YouTube. I personally love this style of playing, and can get around in it OK, but certainly picked up some excellent lick ideas from the master. No matter how old you get, a player needs to keep eyes and ears open to inspiration, don’t ya know.
Even if you don’t aspire to be pickin’ chickens, you might just appreciate hearing what the high end of this style sounds like. Enjoy yourself….
▶ Johnny Hiland – Hot Licks Complete Video – YouTube.